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A Look Beyond the Dust and Cobwebs that Reside in My Brain
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
A Flamingo I am Not
Alright, this is just a little humorous experience I had about a week ago. I almost forgot about it!

I was walking from my kitchen to the livingroom wearing my favorite pair of capris. The ones with the little ties on the bottoms. I was being a dork and sorta dancing around and showing off to Mark (my hubby) trying to get a smile. WELL my big ugly toe ended up latching onto the loop in the tie on my pants. How did this happen?? I have no idea. All I do know is that I ended up only having one leg left to hold me up.....and down I went...trying to dodge random wedding materials that I had laying around.....and I landed FLAT on my face. No word of a lie. One would think that the pain my poor face was enduring would be enough to upset me to no end, but nope....i was LAUGHING histarically at what had just happened. Did I REALLY just do that?? Did I really just try to balance on one leg, and tip over flat on my face?? YES i really did. The good news is that I got the smile out of Mark that I wanted....the bad news is that if I'm a flamingo in my next life, I'm in trouble!