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A Look Beyond the Dust and Cobwebs that Reside in My Brain
Thursday, September 14, 2006
So Special
This is the speech my little sister recited at my wedding. It brought tears to my eyes, her eyes, and everyone else in the room's eyes. I love her SO much, and I just wanted to share one of the most special moments of my life with you.

Good evening everyone and thank you all for joining us this evening. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is K--, and I am Tara’s little sister. I’d like to start off by congratulating Tara and M-- for FINALLY getting married, and would also like to say that you guys look absolutely amazing today. I would like to take this time to welcome M-- to the family… (you’re a very brave man)… but honestly, you and Tara have been together for a long time now, we all know you very well, and I’m sure you’ll fit right in.

My sister and I have been through a lot together, we’ve had many ups and downs, but through it all, it has only brought us closer together, and has made our friendship grow stronger. That being said, I would like to share with M--, some of Tara’s attributes that I have come to love, and that will be passed on to him now that they are married. I think the best way to do this is to share some memories that I have with Tara that show some of her special qualities.

I would like to start off by sharing a memory that would date back to when I was about seven years old and Tara would have been about ten. Tara and I kept each other very entertained when we were younger. We were always making up games to play, and finding stupid things to do to make each other laugh. One day we were playing with a skateboard, and Tara thought it would be a good idea to put a box on top of it, put me in the box, and tie rope around it so that I wouldn’t “fall out”. Little did I know that the rope was meant for me to not get out at all; I was a little hesitant to get in the box at first, but my sister assured me that it would be fun; So away we went, me tied in the box, Tara with a grin on her face. She leads me onto the road, pushes into the middle of the street, and runs away laughing. I tried to get out of the box, but it was no use, I tried to use my hands to paddle myself off the street, but that just made the box tip over and I was left lying sideways in the middle of the road, meanwhile cars were waiting for me to get out of the way. My mom ended up looking out the window and saw what was happening. She ended up having to come get me.Now, this may seem like a cruel thing to do to a cute and beautiful little sister (ha-ha), but it actually taught me a HUGE lesson. This being that: if you are unsure of things or even a little bit nervous about doing something new, Tara will always be there to give you a good push.

My second story has to do with when we were probably around the same age. Tara, my dad and I decided to go to Klondike days to go on the rides. My sister and I always liked to stick to the simple rides (Nothing too scary) but every year my dad always insisted that we go on something that looked really intimidating. That particular year, my dad insisted that we go on a ride called the Zipper. For those of you who don’t know what the Zipper is it is an amusement park ride that is a big circle with cages all around it that spin around and upside down. Anyway, after hours of convincing, my sister and I decide to appease my dad and go on this ride. So we get in, the ride attendant straps us in and closes the cage door. I can remember saying to Tara that I thought I was still a little too small for the ride, because the restraints wouldn’t fit me properly. The ride starts going, the cage starts spinning, and I began to flop around the cage. My sister and I screamed to let us off, but the attendant just thought it was funny. So for the whole ride my sister held me in and tried to keep me from flopping around.
The thing I learned from this memory is that my sister is very protective of those she loves, even when she is scared to death; she is there to help out. .

My last story that I have is probably to most important portrayal of Tara’s personality. I must have been about four or five years old, so that would make Tara about seven or eight. We had gone to the park with one of her friends to play. I was really small so Tara told her friend that I was not allowed to go on the stepping stairs that didn’t have railings because I could fall off. So, when Tara wasn’t looking, her friend decided to take me up these stairs. Low and behold I fell off and hurt myself and began crying. Tara came running to see what was wrong, and when she found out what had happened she was absolutely furious. She yelled at her friend and I can remember her saying “COME ON K.… WE’RE GOING HOME!” and proceeded to try to carry me home. Unfortunately we were both really small, so she couldn’t carry me, but that didn’t bother her, I was her little sister and she was going to take care of me. She picked me up by one leg, and with my other leg I began hopping with her. We did this all the way home, she didn’t put me down once.
And this, Tara, is what I believe to be your best quality. You are such a loving and caring person that no matter what obstacle you face, you will always try your best to help those you love. I am very honored and proud to have you as a big sister, and now, M-- has the honor of being your husband.

If I could have one wish for the both of you it would be this:
That through the good times, you will be there together to enjoy it
And through the bad, may you be there to support each other

That being said, I would like everyone to raise their glasses to toast to my sister and her new husband.
To Tara and M--

Anonymous Anonymous said...
That was very special. It made ME cry and I don't even know you girls!! I hope someone has something that special to say about me at my wedding.

every time i read that and look at those pics i cry. i love your photographer for capturing that moment perfectly.

Blogger Tara said...
Firstly, HI kristen!! :o) and thanks, it really was special. I'm sure someone will say something super special for you too.

Becky I love my photographer too. He rawks, and I'm going to write him a letter telling him how much all those pictures mean to me.

Blogger spidey said...
Beautiful speech! Oh, and I could not figure out where "You're the inspiration" was playing from! Dur!

Blogger Tara said...
LOL spidey thats funny!