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A Look Beyond the Dust and Cobwebs that Reside in My Brain
Monday, September 18, 2006
Its rainy, its cold, I'm a little whiney...and I want to cuddle!
I've been trying to get over a cold for about a week, and I thought I was finally rid of it, but I've been sneezing like MAD since I got to work. I think that maybe I'm just allergic to work??

On a lighter note, my weekend was tons of fun. Friday I did nothing, Saturday I went shopping and bought Justin Timberlakes new cd, Snow Patrol AND some new shirts. Yay me! Then we went to a marguerita party. I'll post pictures tomorrow, and I won't explain anymore, because once you see those, you'll know how much fun was had by all. :o)
Sunday was pretty much a write-off. I did nothing but nurse my self inflicted stomach ache, and watched some tv. I went to bed at 9:00pm.

If someone out there has some nice warm sunshine they could send to western Canada for me, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Just thought I'd mention that I missed all my blogger friends while I was gone. You are all very special to me. MUAH! :o)
well everyone missed you too! shoulda never left!

want some of my hot weather here? lol

Blogger Tara said...
Yes please Becky. Send it on up.
Although you might want to wait and send it when you're going to be here this winter. You'll need it more than I will. lol

Blogger Aparna said...
tara -- i didn't know what happened to you! i missed you and your perky sunny notes a buncha crunch. [end sap] congrats on the wedding! i'm 24 now toooooooo but verrrry far from marriage. i am divorced though...from reality. YAY i will add you back on my links. thanks goodnesssssssssssss. i have my tara fix back.

Blogger Tara said...
LOL!! Thanks Aparna. I missed your sarcastic whittyness. Is that a word? ha! I'm adding you again. I was going to do that earlier...and then I forgot to do it... :o)

Blogger mollymcmo said...
i missed u tons! glad 2 see my fellow canuck back and just in time for hockey! LOL!!
