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A Look Beyond the Dust and Cobwebs that Reside in My Brain
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
OMG you HAVE to try this!
I've always wondered why people taste something and then turn to the person beside them and say "hey, this is disgusting, try it!" Its like : " Yeah..ok! I've been DYING to taste something disgusting all day!" :-/ But for some reason, I always taste it, and then usually confirm that yes, it really is disgusting. And sometimes, I even turn to the next person and say "omg it really is disgusting, try it!"


If it's disgusting, why not SPARE the next ten people the nasty taste, and throw it away? Is it necessary for others to share in your tastebuds anguish??
And don't even get me started on the nasty smells! I have a sensitive nose! Do you want to clean up my vomit? If the answer is no, then please don't ask me to smell your finger, your rotten milk, your old gym socks...whatever. Just don't. do .it. And I will try to do the same for you. ha!

I forgot to get the pictures developed. I'm sorry. I will tonight....

pics TOMORROW for sure. OR ELSE ;)

Blogger Tara said...
LOL. just like you to comment on the pictures alone. Focker! ;o)

Blogger Eric said...
Well I can't speak for other people but I know that I always taste it because I can't not know whats so disgusting about it, my curiousity would drive me insane if I didn't find out. I usually smell things to, looking at other peoples poop is where I draw the line.

Blogger Tara said...
I'm the same way Eric. But if someone didn't tell me to try it...I probably wouldn't. lol...and for awhile my hubby's brother used to get a kick out of tricking us into looking at his crap. It was NOT fun...or funny... lol

