I'm not sure if I've talked about this before or not, but in my family music is a huge part of our lives. We would listen to music getting ready in the morning....we would slam our bedroom doors as teenagers, and blast whatever music fit our mood best. When we were sad, we would play the slowest, saddest song we could find and let the tears run down our faces.
Not only did we listen to music growing up, but most of our family is/was very musically inclined. My grandfather made an entire cd. He sang and he played all the instruments. The entire CD is him and all his talent. May you rest in piece grandpa.
For my sister and I , our love is the piano. My mom taught us to play without notes. We played by ear, we played from our hearts...we used the piano keys to let everyone within sight know how we were feeling. I remember it being my "out" from reality. When my parents would start fighting for the umpteenth time, I would sit at the piano and just play and play and play, until all I could hear was the sound of the music, and all I could feel was the coldness of the keys. Sometimes I would play out of the anger I felt towards my father, and sometimes I would play with the sadness I felt knowing my family was falling apart.
I remember the day we sold our house. I remember this day quite cleary because it was also the day that my mom told us she was selling our piano. We needed the money. We were on our own now...
Since around that time , I haven't been able to play. That was about wow... 9 years ago almost.
I can tell you all that i STILL miss it. I still want to hammer away at the keys every time I feel extreme emotion. I can't wait until I can one day buy another one, and raise my kids to love music as much as I have grown to. And I'd really like to thank my mom for doing that with us.

but NOW i wish i could play..
Jenn - I didn't like piano lessons. When my mom taught me it was on our own terms, and it wasn't like your average lesson...it was more fun
Twisted - thats great that you're doing that for your kid. And thanks for stopping by my blog! :o)
if i was a bizillionaire i would buy a piano and ship it to you right now :)
"enough said" ;)