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A Look Beyond the Dust and Cobwebs that Reside in My Brain
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Moments frozen in time
I will be walking one day,
Down a street far away,
And see a face in the crowd and smile,
Knowing how you made me laugh,
Hearing sweet echoes of you from the past,
I will remember you

Look in my eyes while you're near
Tell me what's happening here,
See that I don't want to say goodbye,
Our love is frozen in time,
I'll be your champion and you will be mine,
I will remember,
I will remember you

Later on when the night's not so tender,
Given time,
Though it's hard to remember darlin',
I will be holding,
I will be holding to you,
I will remember you,

So many years come and gone,
And yet the memory is strong,
One word we never could learn,
True love is frozen in time,
I'll be your champion and you will be mine,
I will remember you,
So please remember,
I will remember you,
I will remember you,
I will remember you,
I will remember you,
I will remember you

~I Will Remember You - Amy Grant

Thank you Becky.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Like Red on a Rose
My new favorite song. I can't get enough of it!

My Updates:
I haven't updated in awhile, and for that I'm sorry. I once again got sucked into the myspace world (courtesy of Becky) and I had to make a layout...etc etc...
Not to mention the fact that the posession date for our new house has been moved up a month sooner, so we've been packing like crazy.

I am sad to say, it's snowing today. Not the fluffy stuff that stays on the ground, but the wet and sticky stuff that freezes to your face. I'm not lovin' it.
Becky is coming to see me in January, and although I dont like the snow, or the cold, I'm a little excited to see the look on her face when she steps off of that plane into the freezing western Canadian breeze. It will be priceless. :o)

Peeve of the Day:
People who don't let you into a lane even though they clearly see that you've been signaling to get in for the last 5 minutes.
The car behind you that has also been signaling, who happens to get into the next lane....and then DOESN'T let YOU in even though you were ahead of him, and also signaling equally if not longer. GRR that frustrates me!

Happy Thought of the Day:
Snow makes me think of Christmas, and I LOVE Christmas. I'm like a little kid every year. YAY Christmas. ;o) (sorry guys but its about the only thought thats keeping me from crying over this way early snowfall.)
Monday, October 02, 2006
Geeez time flies by. Especially weekends.

This weekend we drove out to the BILS house to house-sit, and take care of their puppy; an 8 month old Soft-Coated Wheaton Terrier named Bailey. This dog is SO freakin' cute, but MAN does he have a ton of energy. We brought him over to my dads house (Who also JUST got a Bouvier puppy who is 7 weeks old), and I swear Bailey would NOT sit down. We still have a week left, please pray for us. I think we may not make it through the work-week without falling asleep at our desks. Thanks. :o)

On another note, there's only a few months left until we can move into our new house!! We went shopping on friday night for bedding for our spare bedrooms (Since Becky will be coming to Canada really soon after we move in we figured we better), and i don't know HOW, but the hubby convinced me to buy a surround sound sytem for the big screen T.V we DON'T have! I mean, don't get me wrong..we PLAN to buy the big screen....but we haven't yet...and now we have this surround sound system we can't even use. Yeah. Smart = us. We=Smart. Although, I do know this was part of M's plan. If we have this system we NEED the tv.

As a little off topic side note: I'm craving homemade Tacos. Badly. I think I'm going to have to make them for supper. I'm also craving pickles. NO I'm not pregnant. Let's not start that rumour. I just love food.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Can't Beat Those Ivory's!
I'm not sure if I've talked about this before or not, but in my family music is a huge part of our lives. We would listen to music getting ready in the morning....we would slam our bedroom doors as teenagers, and blast whatever music fit our mood best. When we were sad, we would play the slowest, saddest song we could find and let the tears run down our faces.
Not only did we listen to music growing up, but most of our family is/was very musically inclined. My grandfather made an entire cd. He sang and he played all the instruments. The entire CD is him and all his talent. May you rest in piece grandpa.
For my sister and I , our love is the piano. My mom taught us to play without notes. We played by ear, we played from our hearts...we used the piano keys to let everyone within sight know how we were feeling. I remember it being my "out" from reality. When my parents would start fighting for the umpteenth time, I would sit at the piano and just play and play and play, until all I could hear was the sound of the music, and all I could feel was the coldness of the keys. Sometimes I would play out of the anger I felt towards my father, and sometimes I would play with the sadness I felt knowing my family was falling apart.
I remember the day we sold our house. I remember this day quite cleary because it was also the day that my mom told us she was selling our piano. We needed the money. We were on our own now...
Since around that time , I haven't been able to play. That was about wow... 9 years ago almost.
I can tell you all that i STILL miss it. I still want to hammer away at the keys every time I feel extreme emotion. I can't wait until I can one day buy another one, and raise my kids to love music as much as I have grown to. And I'd really like to thank my mom for doing that with us.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
We Belong Togetherrrrrrr

Nuff said
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
OMG you HAVE to try this!
I've always wondered why people taste something and then turn to the person beside them and say "hey, this is disgusting, try it!" Its like : " Yeah..ok! I've been DYING to taste something disgusting all day!" :-/ But for some reason, I always taste it, and then usually confirm that yes, it really is disgusting. And sometimes, I even turn to the next person and say "omg it really is disgusting, try it!"


If it's disgusting, why not SPARE the next ten people the nasty taste, and throw it away? Is it necessary for others to share in your tastebuds anguish??
And don't even get me started on the nasty smells! I have a sensitive nose! Do you want to clean up my vomit? If the answer is no, then please don't ask me to smell your finger, your rotten milk, your old gym socks...whatever. Just don't. do .it. And I will try to do the same for you. ha!

I forgot to get the pictures developed. I'm sorry. I will tonight....

Monday, September 18, 2006
Its rainy, its cold, I'm a little whiney...and I want to cuddle!
I've been trying to get over a cold for about a week, and I thought I was finally rid of it, but I've been sneezing like MAD since I got to work. I think that maybe I'm just allergic to work??

On a lighter note, my weekend was tons of fun. Friday I did nothing, Saturday I went shopping and bought Justin Timberlakes new cd, Snow Patrol AND some new shirts. Yay me! Then we went to a marguerita party. I'll post pictures tomorrow, and I won't explain anymore, because once you see those, you'll know how much fun was had by all. :o)
Sunday was pretty much a write-off. I did nothing but nurse my self inflicted stomach ache, and watched some tv. I went to bed at 9:00pm.

If someone out there has some nice warm sunshine they could send to western Canada for me, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Just thought I'd mention that I missed all my blogger friends while I was gone. You are all very special to me. MUAH! :o)