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A Look Beyond the Dust and Cobwebs that Reside in My Brain
Monday, October 16, 2006
Like Red on a Rose
My new favorite song. I can't get enough of it!

My Updates:
I haven't updated in awhile, and for that I'm sorry. I once again got sucked into the myspace world (courtesy of Becky) and I had to make a layout...etc etc...
Not to mention the fact that the posession date for our new house has been moved up a month sooner, so we've been packing like crazy.

I am sad to say, it's snowing today. Not the fluffy stuff that stays on the ground, but the wet and sticky stuff that freezes to your face. I'm not lovin' it.
Becky is coming to see me in January, and although I dont like the snow, or the cold, I'm a little excited to see the look on her face when she steps off of that plane into the freezing western Canadian breeze. It will be priceless. :o)

Peeve of the Day:
People who don't let you into a lane even though they clearly see that you've been signaling to get in for the last 5 minutes.
The car behind you that has also been signaling, who happens to get into the next lane....and then DOESN'T let YOU in even though you were ahead of him, and also signaling equally if not longer. GRR that frustrates me!

Happy Thought of the Day:
Snow makes me think of Christmas, and I LOVE Christmas. I'm like a little kid every year. YAY Christmas. ;o) (sorry guys but its about the only thought thats keeping me from crying over this way early snowfall.)
Blogger Canadian Mommy said...
we have the same weather happening in southern alberta today too!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Never come to Florida if you hate drivers like that. You might go postal on people like I do LOL.

Blogger mollymcmo said...
i hope becky enjoys our weather :)

no real snow this way yet but have winter coats and hats out.

i hate packing, makes you realize all the useless shit that you've collected over the years LOL!


Blogger mollymcmo said...
suck yourself outta myspace chick!

where r u?! LOL!


Blogger Tara said...
I've been really really busy with work and moving and stuff. lol.

Blogger Superstar said...
Of all the Alan Jackson songs' I LOVE this song...It isso RAW and real...
It must be the PHX AZ crowd on Vaca in Canada...I swear this happens hourly here...Well except they don't bother with the signals...They justmerge and bang you....nice eh?

~looks around~
this is great...found you thru Molly.

Blogger Tara said...
thanks for stopping by Superstar..i've been boring lately..not writing. haha