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A Look Beyond the Dust and Cobwebs that Reside in My Brain
Monday, October 02, 2006
Geeez time flies by. Especially weekends.

This weekend we drove out to the BILS house to house-sit, and take care of their puppy; an 8 month old Soft-Coated Wheaton Terrier named Bailey. This dog is SO freakin' cute, but MAN does he have a ton of energy. We brought him over to my dads house (Who also JUST got a Bouvier puppy who is 7 weeks old), and I swear Bailey would NOT sit down. We still have a week left, please pray for us. I think we may not make it through the work-week without falling asleep at our desks. Thanks. :o)

On another note, there's only a few months left until we can move into our new house!! We went shopping on friday night for bedding for our spare bedrooms (Since Becky will be coming to Canada really soon after we move in we figured we better), and i don't know HOW, but the hubby convinced me to buy a surround sound sytem for the big screen T.V we DON'T have! I mean, don't get me wrong..we PLAN to buy the big screen....but we haven't yet...and now we have this surround sound system we can't even use. Yeah. Smart = us. We=Smart. Although, I do know this was part of M's plan. If we have this system we NEED the tv.

As a little off topic side note: I'm craving homemade Tacos. Badly. I think I'm going to have to make them for supper. I'm also craving pickles. NO I'm not pregnant. Let's not start that rumour. I just love food.
yay comments are working but i already told you what i was gonna say lol

Blogger Tara said...
lol, yes you did. and YAY on that idea. ;o)

Blogger Canadian Mommy said...
Becky is coming to see you? Cool! I am an Albertan too!
Early welcome to our wonderful Province!
And yeah, when hubby and I moved in together, he said 'well, if we are gonna get cable, we should get a better tv' yeah, we came home with a 54 incher! lol!

Blogger mollymcmo said...
love my pickles too :)

and i'm not pregnant either! LOL!
