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A Look Beyond the Dust and Cobwebs that Reside in My Brain
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Can't Beat Those Ivory's!
I'm not sure if I've talked about this before or not, but in my family music is a huge part of our lives. We would listen to music getting ready in the morning....we would slam our bedroom doors as teenagers, and blast whatever music fit our mood best. When we were sad, we would play the slowest, saddest song we could find and let the tears run down our faces.
Not only did we listen to music growing up, but most of our family is/was very musically inclined. My grandfather made an entire cd. He sang and he played all the instruments. The entire CD is him and all his talent. May you rest in piece grandpa.
For my sister and I , our love is the piano. My mom taught us to play without notes. We played by ear, we played from our hearts...we used the piano keys to let everyone within sight know how we were feeling. I remember it being my "out" from reality. When my parents would start fighting for the umpteenth time, I would sit at the piano and just play and play and play, until all I could hear was the sound of the music, and all I could feel was the coldness of the keys. Sometimes I would play out of the anger I felt towards my father, and sometimes I would play with the sadness I felt knowing my family was falling apart.
I remember the day we sold our house. I remember this day quite cleary because it was also the day that my mom told us she was selling our piano. We needed the money. We were on our own now...
Since around that time , I haven't been able to play. That was about wow... 9 years ago almost.
I can tell you all that i STILL miss it. I still want to hammer away at the keys every time I feel extreme emotion. I can't wait until I can one day buy another one, and raise my kids to love music as much as I have grown to. And I'd really like to thank my mom for doing that with us.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
We Belong Togetherrrrrrr

Nuff said
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
OMG you HAVE to try this!
I've always wondered why people taste something and then turn to the person beside them and say "hey, this is disgusting, try it!" Its like : " Yeah..ok! I've been DYING to taste something disgusting all day!" :-/ But for some reason, I always taste it, and then usually confirm that yes, it really is disgusting. And sometimes, I even turn to the next person and say "omg it really is disgusting, try it!"


If it's disgusting, why not SPARE the next ten people the nasty taste, and throw it away? Is it necessary for others to share in your tastebuds anguish??
And don't even get me started on the nasty smells! I have a sensitive nose! Do you want to clean up my vomit? If the answer is no, then please don't ask me to smell your finger, your rotten milk, your old gym socks...whatever. Just don't. do .it. And I will try to do the same for you. ha!

I forgot to get the pictures developed. I'm sorry. I will tonight....

Monday, September 18, 2006
Its rainy, its cold, I'm a little whiney...and I want to cuddle!
I've been trying to get over a cold for about a week, and I thought I was finally rid of it, but I've been sneezing like MAD since I got to work. I think that maybe I'm just allergic to work??

On a lighter note, my weekend was tons of fun. Friday I did nothing, Saturday I went shopping and bought Justin Timberlakes new cd, Snow Patrol AND some new shirts. Yay me! Then we went to a marguerita party. I'll post pictures tomorrow, and I won't explain anymore, because once you see those, you'll know how much fun was had by all. :o)
Sunday was pretty much a write-off. I did nothing but nurse my self inflicted stomach ache, and watched some tv. I went to bed at 9:00pm.

If someone out there has some nice warm sunshine they could send to western Canada for me, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Just thought I'd mention that I missed all my blogger friends while I was gone. You are all very special to me. MUAH! :o)
Friday, September 15, 2006
Happy Friday!
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! It was like lightening, everybody was frightening, and the music was soooothing so they all started groooooving. YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH

**dances around the room**

Yay friday!!! As most people know...I ADORE fridays. Fridays mean there's a whole weekend ahead to do whatever I want. Or what other people tell me I have planned. ;o)

This weekend is my BIL's birthday. I'm not sure what we're doing, but I'm sure it'll be a blast. Hopefully I don't need an ID. I changed my name a few days ago and they took it! I haven't felt this much like a 17 year old since....I was actually 17! *sob*'s a couple more wedding pictures...

Have a fantabulous weekend!

Thursday, September 14, 2006
3 Days
On the new blog and I've already been tagged by Becky! But it's ok...I'm a trooper...I'll do it. :o)

5 weird things about me (Only 5??? haha):

1. I can't sleep in the nude. I don't know why, but for some reason I'm very on edge if I do, and I'll wake up with random pieces of clothing on random body parts. Yeah...I'm a freak....

2. I have a small amount of psychic abilities...yeah sounds weird...and no you don't have to believe me, but I have a way of knowing when somethings going to happen before it does. Ask Becky...she knows.

3. When I hiccup my whole head gets thrown back. I can't help it....and it looks very odd! Embarrassing!

4. When I'm nervous I giggle. Not just a little, but a LOT. I can't help it, and I always feel like a loser afterwards...but hey, better giggling than peeing my pants or something horrible like that.

5. Sometimes when I sit at work and I'm bored, I think of really stupid scenarios. Like for example: What if I'm not really real. What if someone is telling a story , and I just happen to be a character in the book? Or what if the whole world is like the Matrix...we're all sleeping, and dreaming this life? pfft, theres more, but I won't embarass myself any further. :o)

Now for the good part. I'm tagging Dustin and Molly
So Special
This is the speech my little sister recited at my wedding. It brought tears to my eyes, her eyes, and everyone else in the room's eyes. I love her SO much, and I just wanted to share one of the most special moments of my life with you.

Good evening everyone and thank you all for joining us this evening. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is K--, and I am Tara’s little sister. I’d like to start off by congratulating Tara and M-- for FINALLY getting married, and would also like to say that you guys look absolutely amazing today. I would like to take this time to welcome M-- to the family… (you’re a very brave man)… but honestly, you and Tara have been together for a long time now, we all know you very well, and I’m sure you’ll fit right in.

My sister and I have been through a lot together, we’ve had many ups and downs, but through it all, it has only brought us closer together, and has made our friendship grow stronger. That being said, I would like to share with M--, some of Tara’s attributes that I have come to love, and that will be passed on to him now that they are married. I think the best way to do this is to share some memories that I have with Tara that show some of her special qualities.

I would like to start off by sharing a memory that would date back to when I was about seven years old and Tara would have been about ten. Tara and I kept each other very entertained when we were younger. We were always making up games to play, and finding stupid things to do to make each other laugh. One day we were playing with a skateboard, and Tara thought it would be a good idea to put a box on top of it, put me in the box, and tie rope around it so that I wouldn’t “fall out”. Little did I know that the rope was meant for me to not get out at all; I was a little hesitant to get in the box at first, but my sister assured me that it would be fun; So away we went, me tied in the box, Tara with a grin on her face. She leads me onto the road, pushes into the middle of the street, and runs away laughing. I tried to get out of the box, but it was no use, I tried to use my hands to paddle myself off the street, but that just made the box tip over and I was left lying sideways in the middle of the road, meanwhile cars were waiting for me to get out of the way. My mom ended up looking out the window and saw what was happening. She ended up having to come get me.Now, this may seem like a cruel thing to do to a cute and beautiful little sister (ha-ha), but it actually taught me a HUGE lesson. This being that: if you are unsure of things or even a little bit nervous about doing something new, Tara will always be there to give you a good push.

My second story has to do with when we were probably around the same age. Tara, my dad and I decided to go to Klondike days to go on the rides. My sister and I always liked to stick to the simple rides (Nothing too scary) but every year my dad always insisted that we go on something that looked really intimidating. That particular year, my dad insisted that we go on a ride called the Zipper. For those of you who don’t know what the Zipper is it is an amusement park ride that is a big circle with cages all around it that spin around and upside down. Anyway, after hours of convincing, my sister and I decide to appease my dad and go on this ride. So we get in, the ride attendant straps us in and closes the cage door. I can remember saying to Tara that I thought I was still a little too small for the ride, because the restraints wouldn’t fit me properly. The ride starts going, the cage starts spinning, and I began to flop around the cage. My sister and I screamed to let us off, but the attendant just thought it was funny. So for the whole ride my sister held me in and tried to keep me from flopping around.
The thing I learned from this memory is that my sister is very protective of those she loves, even when she is scared to death; she is there to help out. .

My last story that I have is probably to most important portrayal of Tara’s personality. I must have been about four or five years old, so that would make Tara about seven or eight. We had gone to the park with one of her friends to play. I was really small so Tara told her friend that I was not allowed to go on the stepping stairs that didn’t have railings because I could fall off. So, when Tara wasn’t looking, her friend decided to take me up these stairs. Low and behold I fell off and hurt myself and began crying. Tara came running to see what was wrong, and when she found out what had happened she was absolutely furious. She yelled at her friend and I can remember her saying “COME ON K.… WE’RE GOING HOME!” and proceeded to try to carry me home. Unfortunately we were both really small, so she couldn’t carry me, but that didn’t bother her, I was her little sister and she was going to take care of me. She picked me up by one leg, and with my other leg I began hopping with her. We did this all the way home, she didn’t put me down once.
And this, Tara, is what I believe to be your best quality. You are such a loving and caring person that no matter what obstacle you face, you will always try your best to help those you love. I am very honored and proud to have you as a big sister, and now, M-- has the honor of being your husband.

If I could have one wish for the both of you it would be this:
That through the good times, you will be there together to enjoy it
And through the bad, may you be there to support each other

That being said, I would like everyone to raise their glasses to toast to my sister and her new husband.
To Tara and M--

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
A Flamingo I am Not
Alright, this is just a little humorous experience I had about a week ago. I almost forgot about it!

I was walking from my kitchen to the livingroom wearing my favorite pair of capris. The ones with the little ties on the bottoms. I was being a dork and sorta dancing around and showing off to Mark (my hubby) trying to get a smile. WELL my big ugly toe ended up latching onto the loop in the tie on my pants. How did this happen?? I have no idea. All I do know is that I ended up only having one leg left to hold me up.....and down I went...trying to dodge random wedding materials that I had laying around.....and I landed FLAT on my face. No word of a lie. One would think that the pain my poor face was enduring would be enough to upset me to no end, but nope....i was LAUGHING histarically at what had just happened. Did I REALLY just do that?? Did I really just try to balance on one leg, and tip over flat on my face?? YES i really did. The good news is that I got the smile out of Mark that I wanted....the bad news is that if I'm a flamingo in my next life, I'm in trouble!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
This is me, and this is my life. Welcome.
For those of you who don't know me, or haven't read my first blog, my name is Tara. I'm 24 years old, and was just recently married on August 26 to the love of my life and best friend.
In my 24 years of life I have laughed, cried, laughed until I cried. I've felt pain. I've helped ease pain. I've loved, and I've been loved. I've fought and I've apologized. I've forgiven, but not forgotten. I've made mistakes, but I've learned from them. I've met many amazing people and I miss the ones I've lost. I'm human, and I'm enjoying every minute of this ride called Life.

Welcome to a little piece of me.